I realized something today- I really like hiking. I love being outside doing something physical and having an end result that can be measured. It beats being in a house or gym, on a treadmill- I just get sooo bored with that. I realized that in order to get more active and adding exercise in my day, I need to find something I really like.
I think I found it.
I also love to ride my bike- there is something fun about it, tooling around on a bike, hair blowing in the wind- I guess it reminds me of my childhood, where we rode our bikes EVERYWHERE. All day long, we road and with that came a little bit of childhood freedom.
Today was a really good hike- and the best part- it is a really good workout but it doesn't seem like exercise because it is fun!
Whatever works, I say .... it's the endorphin kick/fresh air/beautiful skies & sunshine :)