Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Year

Happy New Year

I love a new year. It is time to start over, wipe the slate clean, make new lists, set new goals and look forward to all the possibilities a new year can bring.
I am working on making my book list for the year ( and add up all the books I read this past year) I typically update my previous year's list every time as I have a lot of books I like to read, just not enough time. For the past few years, many books have carried over- but that is the way it goes.
I make a goal list for the year that includes health goals, financial goals, family goals, and hobby/leisure goals.

I am not sure you can tell, but in the picture above there is a rainbow I was able to capture while out and about with the boys this past spring. It seemed fitting for this post.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas time is here.......

Here is my Bamboo plant- I have managed to keep it alive for over a month now- Yea!
I used to have one in my previous home's bathroom. I had a window near my bath and I think it thrived in there- but once we moved- it died. I think the key is some indirect light and some moisture- oh yea, and making sure it has water- that helps. ; )

This one is on my ledge by my sink and there is a lot of light into my kitchen so hopefully it is a good spot.
I am still in the process of changing my spare room over to a craft room- it is slow go- I ended up getting a pink chair from IKEA It was pretty inexpensive and I needed to have a chair in there.

Rob and I have come to a conclusion, we are also going to be making the loft into a play room for the kids. I am really excited about this- because- our living room gets crazy with all of their toys. I am sure they will want to still come down to play- but we are trying "to promote" a kids space.
So many changes- not sure if we are making the right space changes- because we still want to sell- but we also need to live in the moment.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Working on a project

I am working on a project at home. I am in the midst of changing my spare room into my craft space. We have used this room as a guest room but I have decided I need a place where I can scrapbook, leave it out, walk away when I need to and shut the door.

I have very limited time and half the time is taking all the stuff out to create and then put it back away when it is time to end. I will still have a spare bed it is now just pushed to the side and I have a table set up so far. Once our 2 yr old is big enough for a big boy bed- then he will have the queen bed all to himself. Then, if we have guests that spend the night- then they will still have a place to sleep- they will just have to sleep amongst trucks and a brightly painted boys room ; )

Besides, I live in a house full of boys- as they all get older- I have a feeling the place will become testosterone overload and I will need a place to GET AWAY!!! A place where I can take refuge- a girly room!!!

I am really looking forward to working on my scrapbooks, painting, jewelry and photgraphy in there!!! Here are some pics of the room as it was- Pics to come on the process of changing it to a craft room.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

here and now

Do you ever find it hard to stay in the moment?

I am always thinking ahead. I may not plan ahead, but I sure think ahead, too, too much.

I am always thinking about what needs to get done tonight, what needs to get done in the morning- what is there to do this weekend, etc etc.... It's nuts. I am working on living in the moment. It is a constant battle and something I have to work hard at. I need to concentrate on what is going on NOW.

Staying in the moment is my goal this holiday season- I want to savor it, have fun- time goes way too fast and this time in my life will never be again... the kids will not be their age again -and at this age- everything is awesome and new and they are really at a great age where they play together, their energy feeds off each other and they are having a good time. There will be a day that will come- where, they may not necessarily play well together, enjoy the same things, or even get along. I could be wrong- maybe it won't happen like that. But, never the less, this a great time for them and for us as a family and it is easy for the "time gremlins" to ruin things where I focus too much on time, activities and tasks that need tending too - In the big picture, this is really not what it is all about.

Everything changes- nothing stays the same and when you think about it- everything is temporary.

I think it is why I like photography so much- it is the joy I get when I look at the pictures and remember the time, so when my memories fade, I can look and relive that time of my life and reminisce. Photography captures the beauty that might not have been noticeable when you lived it, but you can see it now clearly and there is something so cool about having it captured on film.
It is a great reminder to stop, look around, and take it all in right now, and really live it- so that when you are looking at a scrapbook- you can not only enjoy the pictures, but actually remember the feelings and thoughts that were going on at that time and not need the gentle reminders that the pictures hold.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday Sunset

On my way home from work- I took this picture - It is my Birthday Sunset

Ah, another year- Turning 36 has been a little difficult for me this year for some reason- maybe it is because the BIG 40 is around the bend- I do not feel my age mentally, not really physically- either - although earlier this year there had been some health challenges!!
Anyhow, I am feeling good- there are some goals I am setting for myself and am working on -

Enjoy my Sunset~ ( not too bad of a pic going 75 miles on the tollway).

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Creative Flow

I have been having a creative block lately. I have many things in mind to do, but my block is working it into my new schedule. I am working on time management and also waiting for my permanent schedule which will allow a more time in the mornings.
In the meantime, I have been taking some pics around the house.

I love candles and the light they give off. This candle is a Gold Canyon candle- the scent is my all time favorite- Pineapple & Cilantro-

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here are some of my personal favorites. A lot of my photography is centered around nature. I guess that is what inspires me the most.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ode to Grandma

Why a second blog, you ask?? Why it's name Snibbles?

Well, first of all, I really have been toying with having strictly a photoblog. The purpose of a photoblog for me, would give me an excuse, or rather, a reason, I could practice my photography and a place to put it out there.

The other thought I had was to have this as a place to have any creative endeavors I am currently interested in on here. I have so many things I want to do that are creative, that having an actual place to document it, or share with those who are interested in viewing- will make me more apt to actually do it. I am a big procrastinator. I have so many interests that I want to do, but there is this thing called time that gets in the way. Pre-children, I had a lot more time- but never used it to my advantage. Now I have less of it and I am constantly trying to figure out a way to have me time so that I don't get lost in the mix and still fulfill this creative need.

I really have to thank my Mom for putting the craftiness- or the "want to be" craftiness in me. She was always making things, sewing, doing needlepoint or crochet, etc.

I want to pursue- obviously photography- which I love- but I actually want to take a class to learn the proper techniques. Painting, jewelry making, cooking, and interior design are some of my other interests. I would love to have my own kiln one day to make pottery. Other areas to pursue are writing, reading, music and of course scrapbooking, which combines journaling and photography all in one. This blog will be an outlet for me, even if it is to share my thoughts, what inspires me and what motivates me to be more productive and enjoy life. Life doesn't always have to be about work, chores and responsibilities, right??

Snibbles will be about me. My first blog, TheGusBus, will continue on. As you know, it is a constant adventure, and of course, my first priority. The intention of that blog, really is to keep everyone, near and far, up to date and to share our adventures! Plus there are always some really adorable pictures on there!! ; ) If I do say so myself!

Now the name Snibbles. Where did this come from???

Well, a couple of you, already know the answer. My maternal Grandma, would always call little pieces of paper or fuzz on the floor "snibbles". Over the years, as I grew up, I really thought this was a made up word. Not until, just a few years ago, did I find out it is an actual, real word!!!!!
(google it)
Well, her using this word (one that I think is very obscure) makes perfect sense. You see, she loved Scrabble. Also, as a young adult, she did go to Teachers school for some time. This was not very common for women of her generation to actually pursue college. She would have been an excellent teacher.

I have always loved the word Snibbles, not only because it reminds me of my Grandma, but because it is a word that is very uncommon and cute. This blog, will be just that, snibbles. Little pieces or scraps of my life, documented to share.