We have been back in the Southwest now for about a month. In this month, we have been acclimating to living here again. It has been very interesting. Physically, we are here, but mentally, we are still reeling from the move(s) and the very fact that we indeed sold our house, quit our jobs, got new jobs, packed up, moved and drove 1800+ miles, started the kids in new schools and are moved into a 2bed/2bath apartment.
It is interesting, because in less than 2 months, we did all of this and I think it is taking time for our minds to "catch up".
Granted, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I told Rob a long time ago, when all of this started, and I know I had this conversation with my sister, but I had said, you know when this happens, it will happen very fast. It did.
In this past month, we have been busy, settling, making a new routine. It all takes time.
The other funny thing is, and maybe this has to do with the jobs we currently have, they are the ones we had before we moved. This has been like taking a step back in time. Except, now our infant is 5 years old and we have another great little boy who is 2 and no Jo-Jo dog...... Oh, and I think we have aged a bit..........in more ways than one........
Along this return to the Southwest, I have made some new discoveries, and some rediscoveries in no particular order.......
-speed bumps
-a mountainous view in ANY direction
-desert rain smell- love it!!!
-round abouts- more than when we left
-the need for no socks--- ( ok, maybe I will need them in December- but I am going to try not to)
-very little time to get from point A to point B, especially since I do not leave Ahwatukee and have no commute
-palm trees
-hot ass steering wheels in a closed up car w/ no sun shade
- speaking of, sun shades
-no desire for pop
-dusty car after a rain
-Paradise Bakery Southwest Chicken Caesar Salad
-people who are nice- strangers who say hi, or make small talk, and who buy you coffee
-California license plates
-Starbucks pretty much anywhere
-Trader Joes and their frozen spinach pasta
-96.9 FM
-3 laned surfaced streets
-Snip Its ( see my other blog)
-locked mail boxes
-grocery stores who match ANY sale and double coupons!!!
-Whole Foods
-Jamba Juice
-everyone being from somewhere else
-playgrounds that have water features...... the kids love it!
-cars/ doors/ sidewalks- hot to touch to the bare skin mid day
-dog friendly
-bike lanes
- monsoon storms
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