OK, here are my latest faves......
- of course, it is now Christmas cup time at Starbucks
-'Parenthood' TV show- it is one of the best shows on-
-having the windows opened during the day and night
-DVR- I love it- we finally have it since we moved here and I am now just getting use to recording, pausing live shows!!
-2010 Starbucks cup Christmas ornament
-Vera Bradley clutch wallet
-Christmas music 24-7 on 99.9 FM
- not having to wear a coat- but only a sweater as a coat.....
- burt's bees lip balm
-hiking at South Mountain- my Saturday hiking partner though is in Sedona this weekend....
-the latest Phoenix Magazine- reminds me of "Boardwalk Empire" on HBO
-helping J read his books he wrote at school and listening to him do simple math
-hearing Owen "giggle out completely" as we talked about all the Toy Story Characters as he named them and how he wants to get all of them in a Christmas ornament
-boys yelling out in excitement as they pulled out the Christmas ornaments one by one