We have been making some crafts here lately since J has been ill.
Rob and I came up with a "Beach Jar" where we throw in money for our vacation next spring to the beach. Then the kids and I made a "fun money" jar for their vacation too. The kids decorated it themselves and it is basically a bank they have where they will be able to take their money out for any fun souvenirs. The kids had fun making them, and they are clear so they can see it build up over time.
We are trying to keep busy- Fall break is over tomorrow- and I do not think J will be able to go to school. We will see. I am going to see how he is in the morning- but tonight he had another 103 fever!!! I feel so bad for the guy. I took him to be seen on Sunday, but was dx with "the common cold" which I am questioning. However, other than a cough, that doesn't sound productive, he doesn't have any other symptoms, other than the fever.
Tomorrow will be day 6 of a temperature- so I guess if he has a temp- I will call his pediatrician.
I have the next 2 weeks off- and I have some crafty things in mind to do- and also catch up on some reading......