We have changed so many things in our lives recently, I might as well keep going.
I am in need of some big personal changes... ones I have been struggling with for some time.
I am at a crossroads and if I don't make some lifestyle changes personally, then I will be going down a path that I do not want to take.
I have been putting this off long enough and the time is now to act....
I have some goals in mind, some are very superficial, some of just plain smart, and then there are the serious ones and it is time to really take a long hard look at myself and choose one thing at a time.
I mean, come on, this is what I do for a living- I empower people to make healthy lifestyle choices and changes and it is time I walk the talk.
I have decided to journal this, really for my own personal accountability. I am not doing it to share, but if people who are aware of this blog of mine are reading it- so be it.... Maybe it will help someone else.
I just turned 37 and it really wasn't that much of a birthday- not because of any family or friends, just my own personal frustrations. I am at a point in my life, where I am really happy with everything in my life- my family, my friends, our recent move, except my personal physical well being. There are some family health history I am trying to avoid and I really need to correct this area of my life. I feel it is holding me back in many goals that I have and I have changed as a person, less confident, less outgoing, and more negative.
I know what to do, I just have to put it in motion and be consistent. I have made some attempts in the past to get healthy, exercise, eat right and I have made progress, and then I have had set backs.
I have had valid obstacles, and then not so valid obstacles, but excuses. It is time to put Prochaska's transtheoretical change behavior theory to the test ; )
Now, ready, set, go!!!!