I have been working on my little craft space and it is coming along nicely..... along the way we are organizing our loft and making it a kid's space.... things have been in disarray, because in the middle of it all , we have a giant Thomas the train set up in the loft too- all of the track and buildings are up and it is a little train city. I am trying to maneuver around all of this and do not want to take it apart since Rob put some time into it and the boys have been playing with it every night.
Anyhow, thru all the cleaning and organizing, I have been saving some pics from Christmas morning into my computer and I came across this one- it is my other half channeling Elvis with his new stocking he found this year that lights up and plays music....... He makes me laugh, his humor is one of the many qualities I love.......
He might not be too happy I have put this out there- but he doesn't have to know, does he??? haha!