Do you ever find it hard to stay in the moment?
I am always thinking ahead. I may not plan ahead, but I sure think ahead, too, too much.
I am always thinking about what needs to get done tonight, what needs to get done in the morning- what is there to do this weekend, etc etc.... It's nuts. I am working on living in the moment. It is a constant battle and something I have to work hard at. I need to concentrate on what is going on NOW.
Staying in the moment is my goal this holiday season- I want to savor it, have fun- time goes way too fast and this time in my life will never be again... the kids will not be their age again -and at this age- everything is awesome and new and they are really at a great age where they play together, their energy feeds off each other and they are having a good time. There will be a day that will come- where, they may not necessarily play well together, enjoy the same things, or even get along. I could be wrong- maybe it won't happen like that. But, never the less, this a great time for them and for us as a family and it is easy for the "time gremlins" to ruin things where I focus too much on time, activities and tasks that need tending too - In the big picture, this is really not what it is all about.
Everything changes- nothing stays the same and when you think about it- everything is temporary.
I think it is why I like photography so much- it is the joy I get when I look at the pictures and remember the time, so when my memories fade, I can look and relive that time of my life and reminisce. Photography captures the beauty that might not have been noticeable when you lived it, but you can see it now clearly and there is something so cool about having it captured on film.
It is a great reminder to stop, look around, and take it all in right now, and really live it- so that when you are looking at a scrapbook- you can not only enjoy the pictures, but actually remember the feelings and thoughts that were going on at
that time and not
need the gentle reminders that the pictures hold.